UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme

SGP India : An Overview
SGP Thrusts
Applying for SGP
SGP Projects
SGP-India at a Glance
Experiences & Learnings
Planning Grants
Guidance Note
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Objectives of SGP
  • Promote innovative local responses that could reduce threats to the global environment in one or more of the now five UNDP GEF thematic areas Biodiversity, Climate Change, International Waters and recently added Land Degradation and Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs).

         Develop community level strategies and implement technologies that could reduce threats to the global environment if they are replicated over time and space.

         Gather lessons, responsive ways of project implementation from community level experiences and initiate the sharing of. successful community level strategies and innovations among Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and NGOs, Host Governments, Development Aid Agencies, GEF and others working from a regional to global scale.

         Build partnerships and networks of stakeholders to support and strengthen community, NGOs and state capacities to address global environmental problems enabling sustainable development.

         Ensure that conservation and sustainable development strategies and projects that protect the global environment are understood, practiced and replicated by communities and other key stakeholders.